Water purification information

The water purifier market has less development momentum

Views : 30013
Update time : 2021-08-23 14:40:59
Nowadays, everyone is pursuing a healthy quality of life, so the safety of drinking water is the most basic requirement. It is also this consumer demand that promoted the slow development of the water purifier industry from the very beginning, with a low penetration rate, and then the rapid growth trend, and the entire market began to expand.
As a sunrise industry that can bring safe drinking water, the rapid development trend of water purifiers has been maintained for several years. Although the penetration rate is not as good as some foreign countries, it has also been greatly improved. It was not until 19 that the growth rate began to slow. Fell down. Because of the 20-year epidemic problem, it has brought a heavy blow to almost all industries. The growth rate of the water purification industry has begun to slowly decline. This disaster has made it even worse, and sales data has obviously begun to decline.

After experiencing the test of the epidemic, this year's market has gradually recovered from a downturn. The activities and promotions of various festivals have brought favorable heat to consumption, so the start trend is still good. But when the first half of this year passed, the entire industry was slightly weakened.

For example, the water purifier has a certain connection with the fine decoration market in recent times. Many developers will use the healthy parts as a selling point to increase the value of the hardcover real estate. The water purifier is one of the selling points. But now houses are becoming more and more normalized, and the intensity of regulation in various regions has been heating up. This has led to more and more obvious market differences. Hot cities have multiple policies in one city, and the overall market will become more systematic and more comprehensive. In the direction of development. The policy of double restriction on land prices and housing prices limits the ceiling of housing prices. It can be seen that under the strict management of the policy, the hardcover market has also been affected to a certain extent, and has declined, and the policy in the second half of the year continued to be strictly controlled. Therefore, There will not be much growth in the second half of the year.

However, nowadays, many users have an increasingly strong demand for safe drinking water, making water purifiers gradually become a must-have household appliance. According to AVC monitoring data, the scale of water purifiers in the first half of this year was as high as 259,900 sets, an increase of 16.7% year-on-year, and the allocation rate rose to 21.0% year after year, an increase of 5.2% compared with the same period last year.

Although the scale of water purifiers is growing and the future can be expected, it is still not enough. If you want a better situation, you must adapt to changes in many aspects.

Consumer demand

The needs of consumers are not static. With the changes in life and environment, the main consumer nowadays has also turned to young people. And the impact of this epidemic has undoubtedly brought about tremendous changes in consumer demand, from the previous fancy price to more fancy health, quality and diversification.

Market environment

After the epidemic, the market environment is cramped, raw materials are rising, consumption is sluggish, and real estate sales and investment indicators have also declined. Faced with such a big environment, the previous strategic planning can no longer be used, but the strategy must be adjusted, not to blindly expand production, and according to the changing trend of the market, the inventory and output will be dynamically coordinated to be consistent with it.

Marketing channels

During the epidemic, because of the inability to go out, new forms of sales such as live streaming and delivery of goods became popular, and new online channels such as social platforms and e-commerce websites began to rise. Therefore, in the Internet age, the construction of online channels is inevitable. It is necessary to keep up with the pace of the times.

The market has always been unpredictable, sticking to one's own views, and not knowing how to adapt will only be eliminated in fierce competition. Only by following the trend of the times, constantly changing, innovating, and constantly challenging yourself, will you not be overwhelmed by the times.
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